My paperback proof arrived this week!! (Needs some small tweaks but we’re getting close!)
After a well deserved caffeine buzz and some smoozing (yes I had to drink 4 iced coffees in as many hours) I am proud to say that my book marks are available free in all four local coffee houses within 10 minutes of my house. And I’ve been invited to attend a First Friday at King Street Coffee this winter to do a reading and a book signing (date TBD).
Next I ventured to the local library and was thrilled when they asked for 1000 bookmarks to pass out! They also made my day by asking me to host a teen writing event this Spring. This is something that I would LOVE to do. Those of you who knew me in high school might recall that I always wanted to be a JR High or High School English teacher so spending an evening with a bunch of aspiring teen writers would be a great night for me!
For all my Ohio friends, free book marks will be available at the Stillwater ChainMaille booth at the Renaissance Festival. Say hi to Jeff B. for me and be sure to check out his handy work – it’s really cool!Keep watching for news, we’re down to just over 30 days till release day!